Automotive Technician Training in Las Vegas at ATI
Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) Certification
Mopar Career Automotive Program (CAP) Affiliated Institute
Why train to be an Automotive Technician?
If you love cars, and want to make a career out of working on them, then you are in luck: Automotive Technicians are in high demand! There are more cars on the road today than ever before, and all of those vehicles require regular maintenance as well as occasional repairs. Experienced, qualified Automotive Technicians have the important responsibility of keeping vehicles in good working condition.
What does an Automotive Technician do?
Automotive Service Technicians and mechanics, often called service technicians or service techs, inspect, maintain, and repair cars and light trucks. Automotive Technicians are responsible for diagnosing problems in vehicles and performing the necessary repairs. Automotive Technicians may be general Auto Techs, or may have further instruction and training in specialty areas such as air conditioning or transmissions.
Where can an Automotive Technician work?
Automotive Technicians work in car shops and garages in every town and every city across the country. As an Automotive Technician, you can work anywhere there are cars- that means you can work anywhere you want to live!
What is the job outlook for Automotive Technicians?
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics, in 2016 there were 749,900 Automotive Technicians working in the United States. The BLS projects the industry will continue growing steadily at 6% through 2026. This growth translates to almost 46,000 new jobs for Automobile Techs in the next decade.
Why train to be an Automotive Technician in Las Vegas at ATI?
The Automotive Tech program at ATI offers a comprehensive, focused education from an accredited school. ATI’s Auto Tech program teaches the theoretical and practical knowledge necessary to begin an entry-level career in the automobile service industry, including:
- Basic Electrical Theory for Automotives
- Introduction to Brakes
- Automotive Heating & Air Conditioning
- Clutch & Drive Train Diagnostics
- Transmission Repair
- Engine Performance
- Steering and Suspension
- Hybrid and Alternative Fuel Vehicle Technology
ATI’s program provides hands-on, practical training to give students real-world experience, and graduates will be capable of working on all types of vehicles and light trucks. Graduates of ATI’s Automotive Technician program will be prepared to test for the Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) certification.
ATI’s Automotive Tech program is affiliated with Fiat Chrysler’s Mopar CAP Local program. Designed to develop the best-trained force in the automotive industry to work on some of the hottest, most technologically advanced vehicles on and off the road, the Mopar CAP program is an industry-recognized leader.
If your goal is becoming an Automotive Technician, then ATI’s Auto Tech program is the first step to making it happen!
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